Saturday, July 15, 2017
Indonesia is curently ranked 14 (of 133) countries considered for the annual GFP review.
258.316.051 Total Population, 130.000.000 Man Power, 107.540.000 Fit - for Service, 4.500.000 Reaching Military Age, 975.750 Total Military Personel, 435.735 Active Personel and 540.000 Reserve Personal.
Army Strength - Tank value includes Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) and light tanks (a few remain in service) as well as those vehicles considered "tank destroyers". There is no distinction made between all-wheel and track-and-wheel designs. Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) value includes Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) as well as Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs). With total 418 Tank, 1.089 Armored Fighting Vehicles, 37 Self - Propelled Artillary, 80 Towed Artillary and 89 Rocket Projectors.
Navy Strength - Aircraft Carrier value includes both traditional aircraft carriers as well as "helicopter carrier" warships (the latter growing in popularity worldwide). Cruisers are no longer tracked due to their declining value on the world stage. Submarines value includes both diesel-electric and nuclear-powered types. Total Naval Assets is not simply a sum of the presented navy ship categories - instead it includes all showcased types along with any known/recognized auxiliary vessels (not tracked individually by this site). With 221 Total Navi Asset, 7 Frigates, 24 Corvettes, 4 Submarine, 74 Patrol Craft and 12 Mine Warfare Vassels.
Natural Resources (Petroleum) - As much as any weapon system is vital to an ongoing military campaign, wars still rely on the availability of natural resources, namely petroluem (oil). BBL/DY = Barrels Per Day. With 789.800 Production (bbl/dy), 1.660.000 Comsumption (bbl/dy) and 3.693.000.000 Proven Reserves (bbl).
Logistics - War is as much a battle of logistics, moving man and machine from-to points all over, as it is direct combat. A quantitative/robust Labor Force also adds to available wartime industry. With 123.700.000 Labor Force, 1.340 Merchant Marine Strenght, 9 Major Ports / Terminal, 437.759 Roadway Coverage (km), 5.042 Railway Coverage (km) and 673 Serviceable Airports.
Finance - War goes beyond simple physical "strength-in-numbers", relying heavily on financing and effort as much as any one piece of hardware fielded. All values presented in USD ($). With $6.900.000.000 Defense Budget, $344.700.000.000 External Debt, $106.400.000.000 Foreign Exchange / Gold and $ Purchasing Power Parity.
Geography - Geographical values primarily figure into a defensive-minded war (i.e. invasion) but can also aid a nation when responding to such an act. With 1.904.569 Square Land Area (km), 54.716 Coastline (km), 2.958 Shared Borders, and 21.579 Waterways (km).
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